I hopped into my trusty Buick and headed toward Beaver (population 1300). Thought I knew where the airport was but no! Drove through town and found the sign that said airport that way, followed the road for about 5 miles and gave up, turned around and went back to town, turned around and ... and around ... and finally saw a plane landing, followed it and lo and behold! The airport! (I know, run-on sentence, but it was a run-on experience)
But there was the fly-in and yay! one old plane showed up, a Cessna C35. The P51s didn't show just because it was 5 degrees on the field, with wind.
I discovered that my Badz Maru fleece gloves don't prevent frostbite. So I went into the airport waiting room to warm up.
The heating/airconditioning system
But the fly-in was really sponsored by the experimental aircraft bunch so the little buggers appeared like crazy, with one of them landing about every 5 minutes.
I left at noon and there were probably 35 planes there, and for some reason an Aston Martin and a Jaguar.
You forgot to mention the part about talking to your amazing friend on the phone while you were lost.