Saturday, July 4, 2009

Oh dear, speaking of plans going bad. I was supposed to leave on the 13th, and keep packing the house until then. And then....

Lonnie called from Oklahoma to tell me that Mom was in the hospital vomiting blood. He said I should wait until they knew what was going on before I changed my plans. Next morning she was better and then....

My mother had a small stroke. Lonnie was so upset he couldn't talk. I told him I was on the way. Went home, grabbed the now boxes and whatever I could think of and hit the road. And then...

Realized I had left my bag with my wallet in it at home - after I had driven 150 miles. Funny thing, you need money and cards and driver's license to make a 1600 mile drive, especially when you are going there for a long time. So I turned around, drove home, actually got the stuff I needed. Rushed out of the house without any chargers, any pillows, any glasses.

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